Whoever invented Milanese-style dishes has some serious mindf**#k Jedi mindtrick stuff going on. I mean, have you ever met a more devilish-angelic dinner in your life? The thin, breaded, crunchy cutlet combines regular and panko bread crumbs for extra crunchy crispy goodness. It satisfies the bad girl in me that wants, wants, wants to eat what she wants when she wants it. The light, balsamic-dressed arugula salad would be a spa dish on its own, but on top of the chicken it’s magic. It takes away some of the guilt–and works perfectly on top of the cutlet. It’s like a cold-hot, heavy-light thing. You’ll see when you try it, I promise. And because I like to keep you guessing, I stuffed the insides of those cutlets with mozz so when you cut into the finished product it bleeds cheese – and I say that in only the most glowing of terms. So bread, fry, top, drizzle, and away we go!